Call for paper

2024 International Conference on Electronics, Communication, and Automation (ECA 2024) accepts original and unpublished papers. Topics include but are not limited to:

Electronics: Circuits and Systems; Converter/Inverter Topologies; Devices and Components; Micro-electronics Technology; Electrical Engineering; Electromagnetic Compatibility; Electromagnetic Field Computation; Electronic Semiconductor Technical; Electronics and Circuit Integration; High Voltage and Insulation Technology; Integration of Device and System; New Power Sources and Applications; Power Conversion and Intelligent Control; Power Electronics and Drive Systems; Stability and Reliability of Power System; Switch Technical; Electric Machines; Optoelectronics and Lasers

Communication: Wire Communication; Wireless Communication; Optical Communication; Communication Network; Communication Terminal; 5G/6G; Signal and Information Processing; Mobile and Personal Communication; Green Communication; MIMO Communication; Security and Privacy; Antenna

Automation: Intelligent Control System; Industrial Automation; Human-Machine System; Mechanical-Electrical Integration; Robotics; Robot Dynamics and Control; Autonomous Vehicle; Smart Home; Neural Networks Control; Model-Predictive Control
